MaryBeth Karuas "Intention vs. Inspiration" for Oil Painters of America Blog

"Early in the fall when life was humming along normally, I had some well-educated and well-connected women tour my studio. One of the women raised her hand to ask a question. She said, “I don’t know much about art, but I would like to know what comes first, inspiration or intention?&rdqu...   read full post »

posted on 6/23/2020


Playlist from Liz Tirrell: Sick&Tired&Sick&Tired

I have been captivated in being an eyewitness to History as the Black Lives Matter movement has swept the planet, but how sad that the murder of George Floyd had to be the catalyst for millions to demonstrate their resolve for change. In that vein, I put together this Spotify Playlist. - Liz Tirrell...   read full post »

posted on 6/15/2020


Patrick Puckett June 2020

Exhibition walk-through and artist talk....   view video »

posted on 6/5/2020


Diana Greenberg | 2020 Exhibition

As we are not quite open to the public yet, please enjoy this exhibition tour and artist talk from Diana Greenberg. The show is available online and by appointment, let us know how we can help!...   view video »

posted on 4/30/2020


Stephanie Strange: Getting To Know a New Typewriter

Stephanie Strange creates lyric, organic artwork using vintage typewriters. This video is a tribute to her relationship with these machines. Take a look at how she 'gets to know' a new typewriter....   view video »

posted on 4/30/2020


Carol Dawson: Backyard Observations

Like most people lucky enough to have a backyard, I've been spending a lot of time in mine, observing the lives surrounding me and watching them bloom. There seem to be a larger number of Northern Cardinals than usual in our neighborhood this spring, and I've appreciated sneaking up closer and close...   read full post »

posted on 4/23/2020


Revi Meicler, Moments of Inspiration

Inspiration for a painting comes in many forms, here is a look into what inspired Revi Meicler's latest painting "Hope"....   view video »

posted on 4/22/2020

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