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Joyce Howell- When The Work Stopped

Creating a solo show takes immense emotional and physical effort. Having that show not open to the public is crushing. We are happy to share this report from Joyce that it will all be okay.
My work as a painter revolves around my studio. I keep a steady work schedule producing new work and typically, the only time I don't work or think about work, is on holidays or when I buy a plane ticket and go - Until Covid 19. Covid 19 became a reality for me a couple of weeks ago when, at the urging of my daughters, I left Austin for our family lake house on Lake LBJ to hunker down and do my part to stop the spread of the virus. On day 3 of my retreat, my daughter and son-in-law were told by their employers to work from home. They took their young boys out of daycare as a precaution and joined us at the lake. While they work, my husband and I have assumed the role of daycare!
posted on 3/26/2020